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The Infallible Faith of Anksorii[]

Viya Sattaen

The term Viya Sattaen means "Glimpse into sanctity" in Old Bastonian

A world before him was an unholy chasm of infinite nothingness. No motion nor light found its way into the crib of creation. So great was his mourning for something that with a fury of a thousand suns, Anksor the omniscient child forged himself into the realm of darkness.

No one was by his side when he came to be, no parent for guidance, no friend for aid yet the child moved forward. The sizzling red deserts of the badlands, the river valleys in which crops are yielded, and us, all connected, all extensions of Anksor. An amalgamation of all Gods, Demons, Deities, and Spirits. Anksor is everyone and everything, the beginning and the end. Aurellae ekt Sattaen (Everything is Sacred).

Born from nothing we are his many vessels for thought, for hunger, for his very existence. We are his soul. As the bearers of his soul we have been gifted the responsibility of freedom. Freedom can be the most dangerous and insidious of things for it can be one’s road to decadence and another’s cage permeating from envy to violence then pain.

The story of the world is a battle between those who seek to corrupt Anksor and those who want to better him. Still a child, we must protect and lead Anksor down a path of righteousness.

When the soul dies it will be carried to the edges of the world, to the edges of Anksor where they will stop desiring. Desiring for pleasure, desiring for the end of suffering, where they won't have to strive for perfection and where they won't have to stand against their imperfections. They will be content and kept like that for eternity and beyond.

9 Postulates of Life[]

These postulates were instated as part of our prophet Enks’ wishes after his death. The wishes also stated that instead of becoming content after death he wished to forgive all sins by having himself chained and his bodily parts eaten out by falcons for eternity.

1: Self-Respect: Respect for the self is respect for others and furthermore respect for Anksor. When people break this postulate, Enks has his face disfigured.

2: Discipline: An unsteady mind makes easy habitation for decadence and violence. To have discipline is to have faith in the self and by extension, Anksor. When people break this postulate, Enks has his heart eaten.

3: Mastery and training: Accept imperfections for what they are and improve your skills so that Anksor may learn. When people break this postulate, Enks has his fingers eaten.

4. Truth/Sacrifice: Tell the truth no matter the cost. When people break this postulate, Enks has his tongue eaten

5: Fidelity: Pain travels between people like ripples on a blank shore. Never cheat or betray. When people break this postulate, Enks has his genitals eaten.

6. Rationality: Know everyone’s limits and do what's for the greater good or else the consequences will be dire. When people break this postulate, Enks’ brain is eaten.

7. Restraint: To indulge in materialistic pleasures is to show weakness and incompetence. Detachment from the material is attachment to Anksor. When people break this postulate, Enks has his arms eaten.

8. Balance: A person must know when to enjoy and when to work. Tip one side and the pendulum breaks. When a person breaks this postulate, Enks has his spine eaten.

9. Endurance: Do not give up so easily for endurance is the heart and bones for success and prosperity. When people break this postulate, Enks has his femur is eaten.


The Nalani will be the end times, the final days of fire, the final days where the world shall feel warmth.

From a primordial soup of interconnectedness, we shall be reborn into something shaped by our consequences of how we lived and what we desired. Together with Anksor we shall become the child of Anksor. Until then we must follow the ways of Enks and hope that such ways will be taught from Parent to Child. We are flawed, Anksor is flawed and we must remedy this through discipline and good faith.

Three Dogmas of Anksorii[]

These are undeniable truths inscribed by Aurel Enksu

Assumption of Enks

After living out his mortal life Enks wished to forgive all sins by having himself chained and his bodily parts eaten out by falcons.

The illusion of perfection

Enks was a flawed man like any other who achieved heavenly redemption through the will of a thousand suns.

The omnipresence of Anksor

Anksor embodies everything and everyone and is the ebbs and flows of the universe.

Monastic Order[]

Oyos: Ordained with the spiritual crown of Enks, the Oyos is the head of the faith and can call upon the help of any Anksorii adherents.

Sword saints: Sword saints are those who dedicate their lives to the art of combat to show their love for life and Anksor.

Sattaenri: Martyred for their love for Anksor these sacred peoples will be remembered and their memories cherished for centuries to come.
