Stoneworks MC Wiki
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"United in strife, together in peace."

2020-08-17 18.06

Capitol Building at Stage I

The city of Apollo was founded on August 15, 2020 by HerbDashwell and Linkipoo, two outcast refugees from a war torn civilization. At first, the city was but a humble shack built by the river Snakes Bend. The two built the Plaza District from the ground up, expanding rapidly in just a day.


Long before the founding of Apollo, the two leaders, HerbDashwell & Linkipoo were government officials in the Nation of Phaendal. Civil war struck the nation after an event known as The Great Divide. The two fled with what knowledge they could carry with them, and made their way into the unknown. After many years, they came upon the land of Jagdas and settled the then City-State of Apollo.

After introducing its 15th member to the city, the nation of Apollonia was founded. The first incident to occur was The Apollonian-Burrownestian Border Incident (see link for info).

The town of Apollo has always taken a very neutral stance, and is yet to engage in military conflict.


The Name Apollo is derived from the name of the Greek God of the Sun and Muses. This is in homage to the Nation of Phaendal, from which its name originated from "The Phoenix Sun."


The Apollonians are a peace-loving folk and pride themselves on expert craftsmanship and order. They don't like to travel away from home, as most of their needs are met within the city. They strive to promote cooperation and to educate others on the freedoms of religion and political discourse. To this end, HerbDashwell started producing and hosting "Apollo Radio," a free source of music, news, and entertainment for the citizens of Jagdas and beyond. As of their second broadcast (August 24, 2020) the program had received one donation and had a faithful audience of over 10 people.

Territory |


Old Apollo map | Red- Claims | Dotted-Actual

The city of Apollo lays claim to a large portion of the southern continent near warp south. What can be seen on the map in red is the Claims of the city, while the dotted lines show the extent of the actual borders as of current time. These are subject to change.

To the East is the Snake Bend River, to the west is West River and to the South, South-West is Burrow Bay. In the north is the currently unnamed Ocean.

Note: These borders changed heavily as time passed, expanding well past the borders seen in the image.
