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The Church of Quradruplicar but more commonly known as The followers of Quadruplicar is a religious organization in central Eldham. The religion believes in 4 gods who are all extremely powerful in there own way. There are also 3 types of places of worship in the religion, Churches, temples, and shrines.

The Creation and destruction[]

The followers of Quadruplicar believe that the two worlds before Eldham, Paxia and Jagdas where tests from the god yurei. They belive that when he destroyed the world of Jagdas, by setting it on fire and causing a massive war of the gods. This ended in Ruplicar winning and taking the powers of all the other gods severly limiting there abilities.

The Gods[]


The main god of the religion is named Ruplicar. Like Solar and Yurei, He was born before time itself. His power before he took the other god's power is unkown. All that is known is he was the weakest of them all yet overcame the odds during the war of the gods. He is the most powerful god and is worshipped as a hero who ended the war and caused the gods to stop fighting and create a new world. This has given him the title of the "god savior" as he saved the entire universe from being destroyed in the war of the gods. Those who die of natural causes will join Ruplicar on his journey to become better. Although most will end up in a place called the peacelands, where they will live a great afterlife. But out of all the rest of the afterlife's there are a select few who become angels. These angels have died from there own causes yet there dedication to a certain event or thing has caused them to find themselves as an angel.


Yurei was born before time itself. He is the god of the land and can create all landmasses. He was the most powerful god yet had most of his power taken by Ruplicar in an attempt to stop him from destroying any more worlds. He is responsable for creating eldham as Ruplicar forced him to. The power of Yurei isnt as strong but he has been known to cause entire cities to vanish. The city of ampolo simply vanished one night after he was angered. It was later returned believed to be under the order of Rulplicar. This shows the he still has power. Those who die in natural disasters will join Yurei in the afterlife. They will live in a peaceful life on a perfect beach resort island build by Yurei where those who join him will find inner peace with nature.


Warus is a god of war. He was the only god to be born before on a world. He was born in Paxia into a raiding clan. He grew up raiding villages and towns. When Paxia was destroyed he ended up being spared by the gods and went on to create his own warrior clan in Jagdas. He is the only known god to have directly showed himself to people. He has been seen saving the lives of good and kind hearted warriors who usually ended up in a warzone to fight for there country. He has once been seen fighting an entire army off with a single stick. This stick has been known to appear many times especially during important events and battles. After it disappears as nobody has been able to defeat an entire army with a single stick. Its believed if so then the person will become apart of the afterlife army of warus in the afterlife. Set to save those who need help the most in combat.


Solar is the god of the sun. She is responsible for all fires breaking out. She can cause destruction of entire cities from her setting it ablaze. She has been seen before mostly in warm places and sometimes high up in the sky. She has also been seen in jungles and in churches, temples, and shrines of her. She has been described as the most beautiful lady every seen. those who die in flames with a kind heart will join her in the afterlife to enjoy the afterlife inside Castle Solar. A fortress inside the sun where you will be able to drink the finest mead and eat the greatest bread forever. There is always party and dancing. Just because its inside the sun doesn't mean its hot. Its protected by the god from extreme heat.


Urbis used to be the god of the moon until he used his power to destroy the universe. Luckily it failed. This was before Paxia and Jagdas when the moon was a habitable planet. This history is largely forgotten as his acts where so horrible it is still unknown what fully happened as it is not allowed to be explained. All that is known is the moon is now a wasteland. Those who live a horrible life of pure evil will be sent to his personal realm where he himself is trapped in. He is considered to be a forgotten god.


Other than the four gods, The Church has other Celestial beings who although are not gods, are considered to be morally good enough to survive the destruction of the previous worlds and the ones to come after Eldham. They all have the ability of reincarnation. Because of this the angels decedents are walking among us.


Elaria was the first believer in the Church Of Quadruplicar. She was born in paxia and became the first angel. The only other information that is known is that she had a special ability with flowers. She can make certain flowers have special abilities such as "the third eye". A sunflower that could be used to see through walls and stone.


Forthus is a male human from Jagdas. he was born inside a small village in the northern part of the world. He grew up a good wellbeing life. He was always kind to others preferring others than himself. When a raiding clan wearing winter clothing attacked he was the first to defend. He helped lead all women and children out. he then went on to fight the raiders off. He was unfortunately killed during the fight. The gods thought he was good enough to become an angel and thus became one. He was the 2nd angel to be given the title.


Jupus was born as a pirate in Jagdas. Not much is known about his younger years. He is an angel because he saw the bad of being a pirate and made the sacrifice to jump of his his ship while at sea. He ended up being trapped on an island until a friendly merchant ship spotted him after he was on the island for 4 months. Jupus durring that time was able to achieve inner peace within himself. He ended up giving his soul to the gods promising to never be a pirate again. He ended up living peacefully untill his original pirate crew raided the city he was living in years later. He died fighting the pirates. The gods didn't know what to think about when he made his ascend into the afterlife. They decided to make him an angel as he saved the lives of many and got rid of his life of bad to turn it into good.


Kabal was born in Jagdas and lived as a desert tribesman. He became an angel when on a scouting mission to find an oasis he saw a group of stranded people. He saved them from an incoming desert storm and brought them back to the oasis where his tribe currently was. While the tribe argued what to do with them kabal gave them food and water and medical help. When the decided to kick them out, Kabal had already ridden to the city where they lived and returned them safely. The city was massive and after exploring for a couple hours returned home. Although he did the right thing and the tribe didn't like how he gave them help when they needed it. He ended up being sentenced to death by fire and was set ablaze. He unfortunately died yet became an angel in the afterlife.

The prophecy of kabal[]

It is believed that a reincarnation of Kabal will eventually found a great city named Kabal. The city will become the richest city known to exist. It is unknown when this prophecy will happen.


Polo was born in Jagdas a the heir to the throne of a small kingdom. His father was a tyrant who ran the country with extreme power. He used the nations wealth to buy himself whatever he wanted while his people where in suffering. When Polo's Father died he ended up becoming king at only the age of 18 (his father got drunk and ran away from the city walls to be killed by bandits). When he became ruler the people thought he was gonna run the country like his father yet it was the opposite. He gave wealth to the people and gave his people the power to vote on who they wanted to become mayor in the few towns outside of the capital. He organized them into a small senate where he helped rule alongside his people. Tragedy struck when nearby kingdoms invaded his kingdom and ended up causing a massive war. When the invading army reached his capital they ended up fighting their way to the palace. When they arrived Polo wasn't there. It was later found out he died being shot in the head with an arrow when he was evacuation all his citizens to a safe location so none would get hurt.

The prophecy of Polo[]

Polo has only been reincarnated a few times. This is because only monarchs, Constitutional or not die for there people. When a monarch dies for there people the Church takes interest and if its found to be true they claim the monarch as the reincarnation of Polo.

Myths and legends[]

The destruction of ampolo[]

The city walls broke apart and the houses collapsed. The brewery was destroyed and the chaos caused a landslide that ended up caving in most of the mountain into a small underground area of the city. Ampolo was completely destroyed! There was nothing left other than a few trees and small houses. The entire city collapsed into the ground. A campfire's flames caused the city to then be set ablaze. For many hours the land sat still. The city was a pile of ruble. But then the city magickly arose again. Everything was the exact same almost as if nothing had even changed. The only thing that was missing was the mayor.

The mayor, A very good and kind person was helping the city grow. Although he wasn't a firm believer in the Church he still respected it. Around the time of the event ampolo was growing at a rapid speed. There was a brick highway connecting the town to others and many other things. This was until the mayor was almost killed in an attempt to take his life. After the events he became mad. He made an altar in the basement of his house calling out the angel Elaria to make him a special sunflower that can be used to spy on people. Elaria agreed as long as he didnt use it for evil and greed. This item is known as the third eye.

The Uniqe sunflower ended up causing the mayor to turn to greed. He used it to mine iron, gold, Diamonds, Clay, and much more. This turned ampolo into the richest city in the nation but at a cost. The good yueri saw how he was abusing the agreement and caused the entire city to be destroyed. It was only under the orders of Ruplicar it was returned to a normal state. The sunflower was buried under a bridge to hide it as it was indestructible. The mayor was never seen again and after a few weeks was replaced by another citizen who is currently the mayor of Ampolo.

The great darkness[]

The warm heat of the sun vanished. The farms of the world died out and the people of the world panicked.

A group of vampires ended up sneaking there war into the afterlife of solar. It is there when they destroyed the afterlife and ended up pushing the sun far from the world. This caused the food prices to sky rocket and inflation within many nations currency. It is believed that during this time solar spent days pushing the sun to the right place. The sun had gone into deep space and it took a week for it to return.

The Great War[]

The walls of cities fall and the smoke in the air makes it near impossible to see. These events will happen when a great war starts in the world.

The great war is a prophecy that the world will fall into chaos as alliances all end up fighting each other. The war will last many years and cause many famous towns and cities to be completely destroyed. No nation would be safe from the conflict as refugees will flood neutral countries. The prophecy says the war will start from alliances turning on each other causing destruction. No matter who invades who first it would lead to a major war and cause what the prophecy says, 10 billion gold ingots in damage. This phropocy was first given by the angel Kabal.

The Holy Orders[]

The Holy Orders where orders given when an angel ascended as a reward for the people.

  1. Thou shall love everyone. No matter race, culture, religion, opinions.
  2. Thou shall never burn books. Books are used for good. Not evil.
  3. Thou shall never steal or cheat.
  4. Thou shall never kill another member of the Church

The afterlife[]

After you die you will be sent to the afterlife. Depending on how you die you will be sent to a certain gods realm to enjoy the afterlife. The only people who are reincarnated are those who are angels. You will be sent to the evil realm of Urbis if you have true evil inside you.


The followers of QuadRuplicar do many rituals to bring the gods and the angels attention. These are some of the most common rituals

The sacrifice ritual[]

The sacrifice ritual is one of the most easy ones to do. If you have lived a life of pure evil you can offer your soul to the god of your choosing. The next time you sleep you will se a vision if they accepted it or not. If they didn't yet another god has an interest in you, you will get a vision the next to you sleep. This does include angels as well. If none accept you then you have truly lived a life of evil and you can not return from being sent to the realm of Urbis. If one does accept you than you can simply end your life in any way (it doesn't matter how you will be accepted if its not in the category your accepted in) in the name of sacrifice for the gods and then live your life with them in your afterlife. Because it doesn't matter what category your in when you die you'll still be accepted into a certain one many people use this to get into the afterlife they want to be in.

The gift ritual[]

the gift ritual is simple yet takes some resources. Depending on the god and how big the gift you want it to be it can take many months. Yet after you gather your gift you simply need to go to a shrine and deliver the gifts to the god. Once its done the next morning the god should accept the gift and that's it. The hardest part is just getting to a shrine as there aren't many outside of phoenia.

The war ritual[]

The war ritual is a ritual done to cleanse the soul of all those they have killed in combat. It is done to forgive the gods of the action and although is optional many people do it after battles. You will still be considered a good person if you die without doing it and you have killed someone in combat. It just makes you sure that the gods forgive you. All you need to do is go to a church or temple and say "La gods of the very earth I stand on. I (your name) am cleansing my soul of those I killed in (insert battle or war name) and I hope you forgive the actions I have done". After your soul will be cleansed.

the flame ritual[]

If you are sentenced to death by being set ablaze then before your death your recommended to take this ritual. This ritual calls out the god Solar who will make sure you wont feel pain of the flames and you will have a quick death after being set ablaze. All that is needed to be said to do this ritual is go to a shrine and say "let the flames embrace me". After you will have 24 hours from that time and your execution to be set ablaze. When you are set on fire you wont feel nothing. You will start to fall asleep and when you will be sent to the afterlife with Solar. This ritual can only be used once in a lifetime.
