Stoneworks MC Wiki

Dolária was an old nation in the south-western Rathnir, founded by TheDoctor621. Notable citizens of the nation were TheDoctor261 and Dwarflinger. The nation was founded on the ideals of Libertarianism, with strong emphasis on protectionist diplomacy to defend its sovereignty.


The capital of Dolária lies in the extreme south of Haven, surrounded by jungle and near to the Heart of Haven; the nation boasts a large parrot population and many small rivers and lakes by it's capital. The tall trees make it difficult to traverse, the city is high in the sky giving it a defensive advantage against invaders. Not to mention, as the nation stretches many biomes, Lietmarg saw itself within the adjacent plains and Salvionh stood strong in the northern haven Savannahs.


Flag of Dolária


On the 3/02/2021 TheDoctor261 founded Dolária. Within a matter of hours, four friends had joined the nation, one of them being Jovid8889, a former member of the Empire of Uldarash. The city of Dolária was founded on the same day, beginning in a lush jungle south of Haven. The city is located in between the League of Falsáívrea and the Empire of Uldarash.

The First Contact and Succession[]

One day after its foundation, TheDoctor621 contacted Axyr of Falsáívrea, who expressed concerns over the new city being founded in Falsáívrean territory. Though Axyr insisted on Dolária joining the League, TheDoctor621 argued that the territorial claims of Falsáivrea were only in name, thus independence and alliance should be the way forward. Negotiations ceased after Axyr confessed his desire to dissolve Falsáívrea and subsequently recognized the independence of Dolária so long as it would present itself as a successor estate.

2021-02-06 03.12

Day 2 of Dolária's Capital

First Sovereign Recognition :[]

Jovid8889, Chief Diplomat to visit the North of Rathnir, bringing him to the Sterling Crownlands, Jovid8889 visited The Silver Citadel, the capital of Sterling Crownlands. Meeting with JustAtlas1, a councillor of the Sterling Crownlands, explaining the lore and history of the area, including the religion of Noxism, the New Year's Revolution and it's newly formed government under Julijanjo. Jovid8889 & TheDoctor621 were granted recognised soveriengty from the Sterling Crownlands and Jovid8889 became a foreign diplomat to the nation.

The Salvionh Inheritance and Exiting of Dolaria:[]

After TheDoctor621 saw Bergoman asking for 2 diamonds in the chat, he offered them for free alongside an extra 2. After this act of kindess, TheDoctor621 then showed Bergofella around the capital of Dolária, to which Bergofella was impressed of the scale. After an extensive tour, Bergofella revealed that he had ambitions to start up a nation in the northern savannah of Haven. After Doctor saw the land and small foundations of town for himself, he offered Bergofella to join the Dolárian nation with full autonomy of his town called Salvionh. Bergofella eventually agreed and the two established a formal declaration of inheritance. The Dolárian nation now had land across the ocean. Although this is now invalid as Salvionh has left Dolaria and joined Aurora on the 16th of February 2021.

Towns Succession[]

Some Towns in Dolaria have left the country and joined others. One of these is Salvionh. This has happened because TheDoctor621 was accused of hacking and Salvionh decided it did not want to be part of Dolaria anymore. Furthermore with Dolaria having no leader Bergoman was afraid that the nation would collapse or be taken over by a dictator. As of The 17th of February 2021 Lietmarg has declared itself independent from Dolaria just as Salvionh had done earlier.

The Rogue:[]

2021-02-06 16.42

Dwarflinger apologizes to Boulderov Villagers

Dwarflinger, a rogue player with affiliations to Dolária randomly spawned to a village, this village happened to be Boulderov, whom after the fall of the League of Falsáívrea became independent and forged an alliance with Dolária. Dwarflinger, unknowing of this attacked the nation, using his Power V bow to strike down three villagers and taking their loot. A short panic ensued, Boulderov threatening war. To keep the peace Dwarflinger was forced to give back the loot to Jovid8889 and return to the village and repair relations with the villagers and give back any leftover loot from Dwarflinger.

Jconian Purchase:[]

On 2/7, TheDoctor621 approached the Empire of Uldarash, looking to buy the southern portion of Uldarash-controlled Jcon. Originally TheDoctor621 offered WhiskeyKnight, emperor of Uldarash at the time 25k, with the possibility of going up to 30k for the territory, citing the territory's relative undevelopment & isolation from the Uldarashi core. WhiskeyKnight agreed with this sentiment, and accepted the sale of the South Jconian Territory for 25k, declining the additional 5k off the premise of not wanting to continue Uldarash's supposed history of 'price-gouging' as it were.
