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For the Aurlûnor religion, see Twin Dragon.

Official Emblem of the Church of Draconism

Draconism was the national religion of the Kingdom of Daelyria, and is the dominant religion in its successor state the High Kingdom of Daelyria. It is a polytheistic religion with fourteen main gods within its pantheon. It is native to the cultural region of Daelyria, but has worshippers in all of Northern Rathnir, mostly in Helmia and recently a lot of people from Southern Syltör. Worship is done at home or in temples, and sacrifice is done by burning objects, but doing work honoring a god is also seen as prayer. It has a long written and oral tradition of myths, stories and rites. It concerns itself with the question of the world's birth, its destruction, and man's meaning. Fire is holy, as is blood, which signal purity/truth, as well as being very important elements of magics associated with the religion. It is seen as important to Draconists that people acquire balance with their sins and virtues. They are also usually religiously tolerant, saying that all gods or stories are simply reflections of the Fourteen in the eyes of other peoples with other beliefs ("The flame of truth looks different from every angle and at every time").



Worship and prayer in Draconism is done either at a temple or at home. It is not uncommon for priests to use a psychedelic substance known as Shade of the Evening or Shade of the Morning, one of which grants visions of the future (Shade of the Morning), and the other of the future or present (Shade of the Evening), similar to Dragon Dreams, and often concerned with the fate of the world. It is common also to look into fires while praying, to see glimpses of the future of past, granted by the goddess Tessarion. Prayer bands are not uncommon, with different bands for each deity. Most commonly the gods are honoured by performing their arts and appreciating their gifts. As such artists are bound to be close to Tessarion, while those in love honour Meleys. The most famous of such practices is colloquially known as a "Sermon of Swords". This refers to the art of melee and warfare to honour the deity Vhagar.


Sacrifice is not uncommon in Draconism. Traitors or criminals are often burned alive so that their souls can be cleansed by the holy fires. It is commonplace to burn items like food or coal for the pleasure of the gods. Burning animals can also be seen upon as a good way to please the god after a bad harvest, a wave of banditry or a lost war. All temples have pits in their middles where sacrificed people, animals or items can be burned.

Dragon dreams[]

So called dragon dreams are dreams or visions caused by divine magic. There are 2 types of dragon dreams, those who directly or indirectly show the past, present, or future, and those where Rhys Aethu or other divine beings communicate with the dreamer. Its very rare to happen to "normal" people, but dragonblooded and those devoted to the 14 experience dragon dreams on a relatively common basis. Some claim there are so called "whisperers" who can "insert" dragon dream like visions into other peoples mind. Others believe that they can tell the difference between true and fake dragon dreams. Some families like the Blackfyre's and Hystrix's give heavy emphasis on these prophecies and shape their decisions around them.

Specific cases[]

  • Unburnt Blackfyre, Dusk Synderys, Striders, and Beastfrog Nymeros recieved dragon dreams leading them to leave Kush and sail north with their followers to found the Kingdom of Daelyria.
  • Dusk Synderys recieved a dragon dream when he lived in the then new daelyrian colony of Illerya of a giant tower made of black stone, which then took on to construct, now known as the famous Tower of Shadow in Illerya.
  • Murat Nevis experienced a dragon dream after he found an ancient temple at what is now the town of Lokstumia, instructing him how to enter the temples inner halls.
  • Deskest Hystrix, the Oracle of Islerion, claims to regularly receive dragon dreams.
  • Spoken Kaerfels is experiencing dragon dreams regularly, especially when consuming Shade of the Evening. One of those examples include a prophetic dream concerning his nephew Rhaegar becoming a great artist in life. His most significant dragon dreams concern the long night and the coming of the shrouded champion and the cleansing of the world.

Vice and Virtue[]

In Draconism, it is seen as incredibly important to find a balance between your sins. Sins exist on a spectrum, with the middle of the spectrum being the virtue. One who is greedy, therefore, should try to weigh up for it with kindness or with restraint. Each side of the spectrum is believed to be as bad. Everything fits on this spectrum according to Draconists, even murder, as it is seen as just to murder the cruel. They believe also that what man strives to become is the centre of the spectrums of sin and virtue, as portrayed in the Book of Blood, a primary Draconistic text:

He who is made of naught but truth will hurt those around him and himself, but he who speaks naught but lies will have the same effects. One must strive for balance, to speak truth when one can, and lie when one must. The same can be said for courage: one who rushes straight into battle at every chance will most surely die, but he who is a coward and avoids confrontation may be hated or delay something to the point which it can become hurtful. Such is the way with all things.

-the Book of Blood, verse thirty-six (note here that the ancient Daelyrian word for battle and confrontation can be used interchangeably, and so this may refer to someone who is brash)

The good "Middle way" inbetween extremes and sins is called the "Golden Mean".

The fourteen vices are:

  1. self-superiority
  2. self-loathing.
  3. Wrath
  4. Complicity.
  5. Greed
  6. Wastefulness.
  7. Lust
  8. Seclusion.
  9. Sloth
  10. Recklessness.
  11. Gluttony
  12. Self Neglect.
  13. Envy
  14. Apathy.

In between these you have the seven virtues:

  1. Confidence.
  2. Righteousness.
  3. Generosity.
  4. Chastity.
  5. Consideration.
  6. Health.
  7. Trust.

A recurring theme between the virtues is that they are they are all tempered by reason and logic, the highest of qualities in Draconism. In addition to the vices and virtues, there are also Divine Qualities. These are things on which a good Draconist should focus and try to emulate. These are:

  • Determination
  • Kindness
  • Cunning
  • Valor
  • Patience
  • Ambition
  • Integrity

In more conservative draconist sects it is strict tradition that one is to be selected at the process where one transforms from a child into a man or woman.

Eternal Mandate[]

The Eternal Mandate is a concept that the royal (and sometimes also the noble) lineages of Daelyria and Aestyria are mandated by the 14 and Arrax specifically to rule the mortal realm. While some only attribute the Eternal Mandate to the Blackfyre Dynasty and now the Kaerfels dynasty as well, most add the Synderys and Nymeros lines, but essentially most of daelyrian noblility to some degree enacts this concept, as all are closly related and descended from Daelos Ashborn, the most direct descendant of the first man at the time. The church doctrine however dictates the Eternal Mandate to be ultimately a duty and blessing bestowed upon individuals based on their deeds and abilities, not on their descendance alone.


Pyrism is the formal term for a common ritual of initation in draconism. In this process a non-member of the church together with a clergyman performs a pre agreed ritual involving the cutting of one's palm, the burning of blood in a holy fire, and the swearing of vows. While the exact dialogue in the ritual can often vary, depending on the situation, in so called mass-pyrisms very short dialogues are held to speed the process up so many people may be initiated in a single session. Traditionally a pyrism is held whenever one comes of age, but if one is to convert to Draconism after they reached adulthood, it may be held as well. While it is rare for anyone to attend several pyrisms in their life unless due to specific circumstances, technically one can get pyrised as many times as possible during their lifetime. Sometimes after special events in life such as marriage, the passing of a beloved, war, marriage, a change of lifestyle, or a significant political or ecclesiastical promotion, a pyrism may be performed to reassure and express ones bond to the church and the faith.

Ceremonies relating to death, birth and marriage[]

In Draconism, it is commonplace to burn the dead, as soon as possible after death. The soul can then be separated more cleanly from the body, and the quicker after death the burial is done, the less corrupted by rot the soul will be, and therefore cleaner. The remaining bones are then turned into bonemeal to plant a tree, the wood from which his or her descendants will be burned on. This creates a much stronger link between the family in the eternal halls of the gods. Afterwards, it is customary to party, and a child conceived on the night of a burning is said to be blessed with the knowledge of the deceased. In Illeryon, a small sect or subgroup would mix the blood and the ashes of the deceased and drink it to gain the power of their predecessors.

Weddings are performed by a priest, and can be held with family and friends, or as a public event. The newly wed will then be locked into their houses for a week, food supplied from their families and given into the building. This is not as common in working families, since the family has to work, and is more a feature of more high class families where heirs to the house are more important and need to be procured to seal the alliance. The weddings oaths are:

"Will you, (groom) of house (house of groom) take to wife (bride) of house (house of bride) till blood or fire parts ye?"

It is the same but with the genders swapped afterwards, and they will both cut their palms and mix their blood before it can be burned, to purify their union.

Childbirth and Naming rituals[]

Ceremonies of birth are held a few days after the actual birth of the child, where they are named. An exchange of gifts is customary at this event or gathering.

In Daelyria it is common practice for a person (most commonely male) to take on a new name, the so-called chosen name, after they come of age. This Name will be used till their death, sometimes the given name and the chosen name is the same, but often it's different. The chosen name commonly describes the actions, abilty or personality of the person.

Values and focuses[]

Draconism has many values and focuses that can be observed throughout the various scriptures of the religion. I will have a segment which details what an average Draconist might have as values based on John Haidt's excellent system dividing it into six and a few things that are valued in Draconism.

John Haidt Values on Draconism[]


Draconists don't care that much about physical harm, though they do try to prevent it. It is seen as weakness to express pain when not neccesary, but also to not show pain when injured. It is also thought that to become a moral and good person, one must experience pain. There is a quote in the holy text Fires of the Future where a man sees a vision of paradise, and every man there bears scars. Further still, there is a quote in the Book of Blood that states "no unscarred man may enter the Plains of Paradise".


In Draconism, liberty and freedom are very important. Draconist peoples such as the Daelyrians have a spirit of freedom and of building. This manifests itself in that it is stated several places that the people should overthrow authoritarian leaders, as well as striving for freedom. This is also reflected in the pioneer spirit of many Draconist followes, such as when the Daelyrian people colonized the Helmian mainland after the collapse of the Noxist empires.


In Draconism, it's very important to be loyal to religious officials and leaders of nations, if it is earned. Loyalty to the nation you are in, if it's made by your people, is very important. This sort of ties into the last point, where tyrants should be overthrown. Loyalty to your leaders is very important, though the people are expected to swear loyalty to the king, then the high princes, then the aristocracy.


Listening to authority, while important, is not the highest of values in Draconism. You are to respect the wishes of your superiors, but never to blindly follow authority.


The Draconists in general are not very puritist, though several factions within the Draconist movement are so more than others. Their lack of desire for intense purity can be seen when they try to convert foreign peoples, believing them (in most cases) to be misguided rather than evil.

Specific values and focuses[]


Reason and knowledge are seen as the highest value. Anything and everything should be analyzed with reason. There is a quote in the Sikagloth, stating that man's steel was his senses, but that for man to grow strong, his senses would need to be tempered with reason. Every teaching, every command, everything should be seen through the lense of critical thinking. The only exception may be battle, in which a man must forego reason and fight with the animal inside him.


Draconist society is very individualist. It is important to do what's right no matter what, to listen to your mind instead of mindlessly following a mob mentality. This derives from the belief that each man and woman has a soul, and will be judged by Arrax on the basis of their character not any generalised trait. This might also be the reason why Draconist militaries like the Hand of Vhagar or the Daelyrian military focus heavily on training each soldier individually as well as in drill.

Valour and bravery[]

In Draconism, valour and bravery are seen as very important. Valour because a man must be fearless in battle, and battle is seen as the highest form of worship in Draconism, along with, of course, a job done well. Bravery because you must be brave enough to stand up against authority and the majority. Staying by your principles is very important.

Spark to light the flame[]

The spark to light the flame is a metaphorical term in draconist philosophy. It is commonly used amongst preachers and priests, often shortened as “The Spark”. It describes the moment one is enlightened by the 14, i. e. begins to believe in Draconism. According to scholars, this spark can manifest through various ways, including having a dragon dream, witnessing a miracle, or simply a moment of philosophical breakthrough.

Ancestor veneration[]

It is commonplace to worship ones ancestors, distant and recent, in Draconism. Genealogy, especially in more conservative sects of Draconism, is very important, as is reflected in the distribution of the draconist-majority daelyrian nobility almost all being descendants of Daelos and Illyax Ashborn. The tradition of burning the body of a deceased and then using the ash to fertilize a tree, and that tree is commonly then fertilized with the descendants ash later, leading to "family trees". The veneration of saints and ancestors is a strong cornerstone of draconist identity and tradition. Independent scholars theorize this tradition may have arisen from a kind of hero-cult in early daelyrian and helmian culture, combined with influences from other dominant civilisations in the region.


There are fourteen main gods in the Draconistic pantheon. Many other smaller and/or regional gods and spirits also exist, but these are the most widely worshipped. They are also referred to as the "Eternal 14", emphesising their constant in the religion in contrast to smaller deities that appear and disappear in the folkloric records.

Arrax - Ruler of Gods, law, order, justice, governance and strength. Associated non-dragon animal: eagle.

Aegarax - God of all creatures that walk, run, swim or fly. Creator of the first dragon. God of humans. Associated non-dragon animal: human

Balerion - God of death and the Underworld. Associated non-dragon animal: crow

Caraxes - God of the sea, twin of Meraxes. Associated non-dragon animal: whale

Gaelithox - God of fire, stars, moon, sun and the dawn, rival of Meraxes. His eye is the sun. Associated non-dragon animal: wyrm, ember-snake

Meleys - Goddess of love and fertility. Associated non-dragon animal: Dolphin

Meraxes - Goddess of the sky, twin of Caraxes. Associated non-dragon animal: hawk

Shrykos - hermaphroditic deity of beginnings, endings, transitions and doorways. Associated non-dragon animal: dog

Syrax - Goddess of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, and ecstasy. Associated non-dragon animal: bee

Tessarion - Goddess of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, beauty, and archery. Associated non-dragon animal: parrot

Tyraxes - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare and battle strategy. Associated non-dragon animal: Elephant (occasionally owl, more common in Illeryon)

Vermax - God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, language, and writing. A psychopomp who escorts dead souls to the Underworld or to the Eternal Halls. Associated non-dragon animal: horse

Vermithor - God of smiths, crafts and artisans. Associated non-dragon animal: bever

Vhagar - God of war. Associated non-dragon animal: snake

The pantheon of Draconism (sometimes referred to as the Fourteen) all live in either Eternal Halls, or in volcanoes when they bless the mortal realm of Rathnir with their presence. When assuming avatars, they go into the forms of dragons, either as winged or wingless serpents. There was a war between the Fourteen and the Voidborn, a race of demigods spawned of Balerion, god of death. The seal between the worlds was then created, making the overworld, then the nether, which served as a buffer realm, and also the residence of Balerion, who was punished for the behaviour of his children to guard the pass and the dead souls cursed to hell. With magical powers bestowed by Vermax, you can create passages between them. This is called inter-dimensional fire magic.


Painting made of the god Gaelithox. You can see his spear, which is his divine weapon, as well as his eyes, which is the sun and the moon.


The Draconistic pantheon is riddled with myths and stories of ages long ago. They will be listed here.

The Creation War[]

In the beginning, there was nothing but the Eternal Halls, where the gods had slumbered from before the beginning of time. Outside it there was only chaos, a vast madness of destruction and the random creation and destruction of matter and energy. One faithful day, the greatest of the Fourteen, Arrax, awoke. He saw the chaos outside his home and, with his limitless power and vision, began to draw. He pulled the different shades of creation into lines and boundaries, and formed order. The world became itself, formed from the primordial storm, the gasses pulled into oceans and land. He painted one world first, but though his power was endless, his skill was not as of yet. The world could barely harbour life, and it quickly was consumed by the power of chaos outside the world. Then great Arrax created a new world. This one lasted longer, and was indeed prospering for long ages. Then the Voidborn came. In the Underworld, Balerion, second only to Arrax himself in might, had been mating with the dead he found most lovely, for he was lonely in his halls far beneath the earth. From this union spawned a race known only as the Voidborn, powerful demigods. Balerion, lonely as he was, loved this most of all, and doted on them with powerful gifts. His children soon fell victim to pride, and took up arms against their father and the other gods. The world shook with the chaos and corruption they brought forth. Though they were killed by the Fourteen, their corruption settled in the world. Mighty Arrax along with Vhagar and Shrykos destroyed the world, fearing that the men upon it would be corrupted by the Voidborn. They created a third world, and made a buffer between the realm of madness and chaos that lay beyond the world, taking the place of the Underworld. It was called the Nether. Balerion was set to rule it as punishment for the gifts he had given his children in the war against the gods.

The Birth of Man[]

One day, Aegerax looked out at the world, melancholy. The world was filled with plants and vegetation, a courtesy of the power of Syrax's coupling with the Gaelithox. But Aegerax looked out at it and thought it too inanimate. He decided to fill the world with curious beasts, and created thirty-two spirits to help him. He shaped them out of the primordial clay that formed most of the world at this point, and imbued them with the breath of life. At last he created a being in his own image, and named him Styveryles, a being who could think in the same fashion the gods did. The gods were very smitten with this creature of Aegerax, and gave him gifts: Arrax gave him the not only the ability to be just, and to be fair but the knowledge to be just and fair. Caraxes gave him the knowledge of how to craft boats and ships. Gaeltithox gifted him fire, and painted the sunsets beautiful for his pleasure. Melys gave him a passion for love and all that was beautiful. Meraxes gave him the swiftness of the flying bird. Shrykos gifted him the power of changing to his environment. Syrax bestowed the knowledge of harvesting plants from nature upon to him. Tessarion gave upon to him the knowledge of music and of art, and Tyraxes gave him reason and logic. Vermax gave him the gift of writing and language, while Vermithor gave him the power to shape metals. Vhagar gave him the power to destroy his enemies and foes. Only Balerion gave him only one gift, the other gods cursed at, as they saw nothing other than Balerion cursing Styveryles. That gift that the gods called a curse, was the Gift of Eternal Slumber within the shade of the Underworld. Styveryles was lonely. All his joyous gifts like smithing and hunting were fine on their own, but he craved a companion, he craved someone to love. So Aegerax made a new being, shaped after the form of one of the female gods. Aelyx was born of the primodial clay like Styveryles, but was fundementally different. She was the daughter of Meleys as much as of Aegerax. They were made for each other, and soon, with the passion of Meleys, they brought forth forty sons and forty daughters. Fearing inbreeding, which was not for common men to do, for fear of cursed beings, Aegerax, who had become confident in his abilities, created more men and women out of the primordial clay of the world. But sometimes he went with too much haste, and there came cracks in the men and women he created, and so they became cruel. And so, man was brought forth upon the world.

The King of Bees[]

Upon the creation of the world and the animals within it, Syrax did not want to be outdone by Aegarax. Granted, she had already made all the plants and vegitation, and they were being nourished by the suns life. But what she had made did not taste sweet, only bitter and dun. The newly made humans of the world did not like this food, and cursed Syrax for it. So, she devised a cunning scheme to make it so they would love her above all other of the gods; she created fruit. On trees and bushes she created sweet berries and crunchy apples to sate the humans' hunger. She created flowers and vines for them to feast their noses and eyes on. But, to her horror, she quickly realised the humans were depleting her creations too much. So she created something to replenish their growth, and, with all her cunning, she made men love them as well. To make her will be done, she asked Aegarax for a favor, and she gave him the plans. So, he created the bees. Bees were specially designed for men to love them, for they were cute and fluffy and flew about daintily. Their honey was sweeter than any fruit or milk, and could even be fermented into mead to drink. This pleased the humans greatly. Aegarax, jealousy by the new love the humans felt for Syrax, exploited a vital flaw in the bees' anatomy; their stinger. He made them go mad when they saw men, and they stung them, and many died. Syrax was devistated. She set her eldest son, Vederysin, meaning willful in the Daelyrian tongue, to make them stop. He was then made King of the Bees, and all the bees of the world were united into clans, with a queen at the top who would be married to the King of the Bees, Vederysin. Such did it come about that bees became the joy and pride of all humans, and the messengers of Syrax. Even to this day, honey is used to make lights for parties, wine for feasts and make life sprout about them wherever they go.

Daelos Ashborn[]

In the days when the third world was still young, and the men upon them had not yet created their great empires, there was a man called Daelos Ashborn. The son of Meleys and Balerion, and should therefore have been a god by birth. But since he was a bastard of the two, he was born a demigod, since Meleys was married to Gaelithox. His fury was said to have caused a great drought, and Daelos is called the Ashborn because he was born in the ash of this drought. Galithox's fury was not yet calmed, and he wanted to give Daelos an impossible task: traveling to every nation in the world of Rathnir. Daelos was, however, of unparalleled strength and determination. He became a champion of wrestling and partook in many wars of the early age. He visited every land and impregnated a woman in each one. Having finished Gaelithox's task, the god of fire was content, if still sulky. The myth at this point deviates. Daelos had a hundred children with a hundred different women, and in all the stories all the children but one die before getting further heirs. In one of the myths, the remaining child, Illyax, killed all of his half-siblings, crowning himself the heir to Daelos's legacy. In other tellings of the tale, Gaelithox is angry that Daelos finnished his tasks, and so killed all his offspring but Illyax, who doused himself in water to be resistant to Gaelithox's fire. The third and most popular of the tellings is that the sons all died by their own foolishness (sometimes a deliberate effort by Balerion, god of death and fait, who wished to see his grand-children), all but Illyax, who was too clever to die. Illyax went on to have three sons, Maekar, Aelys and Jaehaerys, and a daughter, Daella, the daughter the eldest and therefore inheriting his legacy. Daella was said to be the very picture of Meleys, her great-grandmother, and the most lovely person in all the world, and took the name Synderys, meaning shadow lord. She was, in fact, so beautiful that she enticed the heart of Caraxes, god of the seas. She had another demi-god son, Theon, who had a son, Vyserys, who had a daughter, Nyfera, who was impregnated by Vhagar, and the passion of their love was said to be what painted the dusk beautiful. The brief union brought forth Dusk Synderys, co-founder of the kingdom of Daelyria.

Holy texts[]

There are a few holy texts in Draconism, many of them in the great book called the Drackara, which is comprised of many books. There are also the Dialogues of Prophets, and the Philosophys, comprising philosophy and ethics, while the Drackara is comprised of stories and teachings. These texts can be interpreted in many ways, and one of these interpretations almost caused a schism within the Draconistic community.

The Drackara[]

The Drackara is a religious book comprised of many shorter books, letters, hymns and songs. They are framed as a cohesive narrative, and are all set in chronological order(though interpretations vary as to the true canon). The longest texts are The Book of Blood, divided into chapters, the Book of Fire, divided into verses, and the History of Heroes, which is a compilation of shorter historical events written down by a family of priests who sought out Daelyrian heroes and recorded their deeds. The complete list of texts:

-the Book of Blood

-the Book of Fire

-Fires of the Future

-the revelations of the 31st winged serpent

-the Sikagoloth

-the History of Heroes

All of these include stories and teachings.

Dialogues of Prophets[]

The Dialogues of Prophets is a text comprised of many dialogues between prophets and people around them, explaining the gods, how best to live and prayer. It ellaborates on something brought up in the Book of Fire, saying that the best way to know the gods is to study what they made. It is often read along with the Drackara as a companion text meant to clarify and elaborate on things said in that first great book.


The last of the great Daelyrian texts is the Philosophys. It is comprised of many stories, though all these are meant only to be used as examples, and are not actual events. In it one can find reflections on religious duty and a myriad of other subjects. It is the shortest of the holy texts.

Tyraxa Dracarys[]

The Tyraxa Dracarys may not be considered a holy book in the traditional sense, as it is more of a revised compendium of various draconist legends and myths made for documentation rather than theological or philosophical teachings. A full version can be found here.

Temples, shrines and churches[]

Draconist temples exist in four main styles, though there are similarites between them. All of them have a central fire in the middle, along with a holy book on a a lectern, all have fourteen columns or pillars, one for each god, and they all have quite open interiors. The three main forms are:


Illeryan style draconist temple

Illeryan temple

The Illeryan style has, as all draconist temples, fourteen columns, but in contract to the other two, they are arrayed in a rectangle, usually in a pattern with five on each long side and two additional on the short sides. They can also have more than 14 columns, as there are many local gods and spirits in the Illerya region, hiding within the potential of fire that the trees there bring. The roof slants upwards towards a central line, and there are often spires or cornices on the corners. The holy flame is placed upon a pedestal towards the back of the temple. The lectern is to be placed in front. The temple in Duskopion can also be seen as a showcase of this style.

Classic Daelyrian temple

Classic Daelyrian temple

Classic Daelyrian temple 2

Temple from above

Daelyrian classic[]

Daelyrian classic temple style traditionally has 14 columns, though there is often fifteen, the last being to the king. They are circular, with a flat, conical roof and battlements outside each column. Their holy flame is set into the floor, with a lectern outside.


Neo Illeryan is a style shown in the Eldham colony of new Illerya, with elements from both Illeryan and Daelyrian architecture. It has a central round section with twelve columns and a rectangular entrance area with two additional columns and a lowered fire pit.

Kyrepion Church

Kyrepion-style church, Frostarch


The Kyrepion style (derived from Daelyrian: kyrel epion, meaning "snow hill") is an architectural style of Draconist buildings native to the Midlands. The main difference is the foundation of the building consisting of a charred blackstone, while slowly forming a gradient with diorite and other rocks, which are abundant in the region. Commonly used in the mountainous town of Frostarch, this building style breaks up the previous, pitch black theme to the worship buildings.

Church of the 14 gods of Draconism[]

The Church of the 14 Gods of Draconism is the political and institutional side of the Draconism. The Church functions to maintain and function temples, shrines and monasteries throughout Rathnir and Eldham. It is seen as a holy spiritual institution, with absolute authority over all internal religious matters. The Church organizes what is considered canon and whats not, its responsible for hosting the different orders and various festivals. The head of the Church is the High Priest, who is elected by the Aenyn and who oversees everything. It is to be noted that the Church is not responsible for the creation of Draconism, but simply formed as an organized version

Church Hierarchy[]

High Priest[]

The High Priest heads the entire religion of Draconism. He has ultimate authority over all religious matters. He is elected by the council of Aenyn, and serves for life. He only dies when his Holy Purpose has been fullfilled, and before then, he will live forever, all sickness cleansed from him with the holy fires of Arrax the Allfather. The current High Priest is Spoken Kaerfels, preceeded by Falcon Snayke Flamesinger.


The Aenyn serve as the supreme priests of a single diety. The Aenyn are elected directly by the gods, and are shown in Dragon Dreams the place they need to be and the time. If they answer the god's summon, then they will be given an ingot of black Daelyrian steel, commonly known as Netherite, which will serve as their key to the holy council of Aenyn. Upon the Ascension of a High Priest, the Aenyn of the time elect a new one through voting. Since the gods are competitive in nature, it is not uncommon for Aenyn to make power plays against each other, forming coalitions and the like for the election of High Priest. For this reason, the bars of Daelyrian steel given to them gives them protection from divine intervention, making them impervious to all but the most brutal of divine onslaughts. This has the side effet of allowing the Aenyn autonomy from their divine sponsors, which has, in the past, led to the Aenyn becoming corrupt.


The Wardens are the head priests of certain regions or countries. They organize the churches there and head any missionary efforts. Often given to monarchs or other political leaders.


The Jaeseryn hold religious strongholds and castles throughout the land as well as fortified monastaries. They are technically priests, but are considered to be more closely connected to Vhagar


The Priests of the Draconist church perform many duties, such as marriages, funerals, sermons and missionaring projects. They are learned in the books of the gods, and reside either in temples, monastaries or in other dwellings. They can dedicate their lives to a specific god or godess, or the whole pantheon. The position of priest has been split into two different roles;


A Varaxan is the leader, organizer, and preacher of a local temple or church. It is the administrative part of the former priest role. They perform rituals and organize local temples and devoted communities.


The Ythos is the theological and educational part of the former priest role. Ythos are those schooled in knowledge, theology, philosophy and traditions of Draconism. Ythos can teach Abritsos, usually one at a time, to learn their knowledge and become a Ythos themselves.


The Abritsos are people studying to become priests of the faith. Abritsos means "Youngling" or "young one" in Daelyrian.


The so-called Jaevathar are a class of daelyrian devoted warrior monks. While they spend their training in monasteries learning both religious virtues and combat skill. Unlike the warrior-knights from Orders like the Hand of Vhagar, they do not simply fight in religiously accepted ways while honoring warrior traditions, but exclusively fight mortal combat when participating in a Trial of Combat. A Trial of Combat is an old daelyrian tradition, but today is not used in any jurisdiction. Here the parties involved in the trial will each be represented by a voluntary Jaevathar. The two warriors then fight in a controlled space, until one of them is killed by the other. However the Jaevathar are actually payd in a way, but not with physical wealth, but instead with a ritual animal sacrifice to the gods.

Sanctioned Organizations[]

There are several Orders officially sanctioned by the church, including;

Hand of VhagarIconReal

Banner of the Hand of Vhagar

Hand of Vhagar[]

The Hand of Vhagar, or "HoV" for short, is a military order that fights in wars as a honourable mercenary order and makes up the primary draconist militant force. Its lead by Dyrajaes and Aenyn Dusk. The Hand of Vhagar combines traditional daelyrian/draconist values and styles focused around the god Vhagar, the god of war and conflict and patron of warriors and heros. They follow Vhagar specifically in a much larger part than the other gods, and some describe them as a sub-sect or cult. They have many concepts such as the "Mandate of Vhagar" which states that any state which does not follow the principles of Vhagar or who dishonor Vhagar by fighting unhonorably deserve conquest and ahnialation.


Banner of the Order of the Curative Flame

Order of the Curative Flame[]

The Order of the Curative Flame is a non-militant civil order that has made it its goal to help out the populous with honorary jobs such as professional healing and helping the innocent. It was led by Alpha Kaerfels. The namesake flame symbolises courage, curation, solidarity, virtue and hope. It was created upon the dreadful wars during the time of the Helmian Civil War and the Battle at Illerya.


Banner of the Order of The Bee

Order of the Bee[]

The Order of the Bee is a mostly honorific civil order with particular theologic focus on the goddess Syrax and her servants, bees. It was founded in Elesgate, as a successor of the Aphelytes (also known as the Bee Sect), having the same beliefs as the sect once had, even the beliefs considered to be controversial. The order is responsible for perfoming rituals to exorcise and imprison the Voidborns in dungeons. The Order is led by Koala Apisamus, the First Knight of The Bee, although this has been disputed by church clergy as he converted to the syncretic Lôdiemi Paganism.


Symbol of the Sanguine Sisters

Sanguine Sisters[]

The "Order of the Sanguine Sisters to the grace of the 14", that being its full name, is a monastic-civil Order of devoted believers, almost exclusively females, which spend their lives vicelessly serving the 14 while performing traditional duties. One of the main duties of the Sanguine Sisters is to drain the blood from the body of the deceased in preperation for the burning of said body. Parts of the blood is filled into small ampoules and given to the family of the deceased. This practice is the orignial reason why they were their iconic red habits, to hide possible blood stains from their work. Sister Cheesars is currently the "Eldest Sister" and with that leader and representative of the Sanguine Sisters.

Order of Saint Aegys[]

TThe Order of Saint Aegys' primary goal is that of cultural preservation, and to achieve that goal it collects, secures and utilizes any artifacts, technologies and/or knowledge regarding the religion of Draconism, with a particular focus on the lands Eldham. These actions are also used to further expand the Faith and it's practices and traditions, often through the converting of outsiders. The Order of Saint Aegys currently operates from the holy city of Lokstumia, where once in long forgotten times there was a major temple dedicated to the God Balerion. The current Grand Protectors of the Order are Murat Nevaris and Elijah Nevaris.

Order of the Flaming Heart[]

The Order of the Flaming Heart is a organisation formed in order to gather troops to fight the threat of the self proclaimed war deity and largely antagonistic force of Segra. It was created in orders of the High Priest during the Segra crisis, although it was dissoluted shortly after its creation. It closely cooperates with The Silver Charters, a secular organisation formed from volunteers from all around the north in order to protect it and its people from the rising danger of the international crisis.


The concept of a single kind of sainthood cant be applied to draconism, rather there are two, or rather three, types of saints. The lowest is that of the Praederyn. Praederyn are either announced as such during lifetime or after their death. They are individuals that helped the faith and practiced its values and honoured the community of Draconism. All Aenyn and High Priests of Draconism are automatically considered Praederyn. Only after death one can be announced a Sacreath. Sacreath are proper saints, spirits that have left this world, of those truly holy and godly. Lastly there is a subcategory of Sacreath known as the "Yriecreath". Those are very few in number, often seen as minor deities instead of just saints. Only daelyrian monarchs and demigods having earned this title historically, again, only after death.


  • Oracle Deskest 'Silverfish' Hystrix
  • Augustino Synderys
  • Murat Nevaris
  • Confuzzles Petraryn
  • Aenyn Skyrox
  • Aenyn Kaelyr Hyterus
  • Aenyn Arryriany Aelvar Kaerfels
  • Aenyn Dusk Synderys
  • High Priest Spoken Kaerfels
  • Illyax Ashborn
  • Daella Ashborn
  • Theon Ashborn
  • Maekar Ashborn
  • Aelys Ashborn
  • Jaehaerys Ashborn
  • Byron Ashborn
  • Aenar Nykeēdar


Daelos Ashborn[]

Daelos Ashborn is one of the greatest saints in Draconism, and forefather to Illyax Ashborn, Dusk Synderys and many other notable names from the legends, and of most daelyrian nobility. The son of Meleys and Balerion, he walked the world and had a child in every nation in Rathnir. He was a wise and strong man, and is the saint of Determination, strength and ambition.


Wheyloffle one of the few Draconist saints who was not enlightened to the gods' glory. This, in the eyes of the gods, made him a greater man yet, as he found his path by only his own morals and goodness. He mediated several conflicts, and is the Saint of mediation, wisdom and peace, and the patron of mediators and diplomats.


St. Pyng was a legendary scholar and craftsman who is often credited with inventing the practice of ravenry, i.e. domesticating ravens to carry letters over long distances. He is seen as the patron saint of heralds, scribes and raveners.


The 'lost founder' Strivers is one of the four founders of Daelyria. Unlike the others however, he was not of noble birth and would retire soon after the founding and spend the rest of his life as a monk in a small monastery located in modern day Islerion. Patron Saint of merchants and statesmen.

Hyathinz the Maid of Illerya[]


Midnight Petraryn[]

Falcon Snayke[]


Angael Narragaelys[]

Unburnt Blackfyre, or Angael Narragaelys in daelyrian, was one of the founders and the first king of Daelyria. Under his reign Daelyria grew from a local kingdom to a major force, conquering most of Helmia, taking on the title King of the north (Aestyriany). As such he not only spread the influence of Daelyria, but also Draconism.

Maekar Narragaelys[]

Daemon the Black Dragon Narragaelys[]

Sects and Cults[]

Draconism features many branches, sects, and cults. Cults-demonyms in Draconism are often formed with a -ytes suffix. Keep in mind these arent clear cut disctinctions but more often then not rough classifications by the scholars of the central church. Some of the more notable ones include:

  • Vhagarytes - most prominently being the basis for the Hand of Vhagar. Particularly prominent in draconist non-Daelyria regions, especially Kazhan and parts of modern day Alda and Goldburg.
  • Tessarytes- peaceful venerators of art and culture, being very prominent in the Midlands and particularly in Frostarch and parts of Kastollia. The Order of the Curative flame mostly consists of Tessarytes.
  • Balerytes - Venerating the God of the underworld and often accused of being essentially a death cult, although in reality being more focused on enjoying life. Most prominent in Lokstumia and parts of Illeryon.
  • Gaelytes - Putting a particularly heavy emphesis on fire as a divine object and perform many unique rituals. Most Gaelidist count themselves as Gaelytes. Mostly common in old core daelyrian Areas such as Illeryon and Caraeneryon.
  • Aphelytes - better known as the "Bee sect", most dominant in Halond and closely connected to the former tribe of the elegaxians. These fertility venerating believers putting high value on bees and the goddess of Syrax. It's the predecessor of the Order of the Bee. They are known to perform special rituals to exorcise/cleanse people and places from voidborn. They are controversial for their very negative opinion on the god Balerion, some even considering a kind of demon.
  • Arraxytes - Particularly prominent among leaders and royals that venerate the god Arrax above all else.
  • Senelarytes - Highly devoted zealots whose praise the balance between the gods and things in the world above all else. They thing that cults venerating one deity or concept more than another is wrong. They are a minority.
  • Narravhatharytes - A death cult of which many serve as trained assassins. Not much is known about them as they are very secretive and dont seem to have a headquarter anywhere. It is thought that they historically were closely connected and worked for the nobles houses Synderys and Mahale.
  • Lyndaelosytes - A small enclosed sect of draconist mystics in Illeryon who believe drinking the blood mixed with the ashes of the deceased gives them their power. Some speculate these rituals might be related to vampirism.
  • Vanorytes - A now presumably extinct sect of illeryan extremist with a prophetic brutal leader that is known to have sacrificed a whole orphanage and several nearby buildings in an attempt to wake a dragon beneath the tower of Shadows.
  • Thrainytes - A short lived zealous group with their leader claiming to be an Rhys Aethu. They are known to have attacked non believers several times. After the cult pretty much died out the church released an official statement stating that he was a Rhys Aethu but he did not speak truth and that it was a test by the gods.
  • Dracahaenorytes - A controversial sect of radicalist who believe that dragons should be hunted as a way of honouring the gods. Shortly after their founding they were outlawed in Daelyria and soon disappeared into irrelevancy, tho some speculate they were responsible for the deaths of some of the last daelyrian wyverns. It is unknown if they had any success in other countries, but it is unlikely, though there have been accounts of a very similar group in Aurlunor around the same time. They are deemed corrupted heretics by the Church of Draconism and are often seen as an example of how blind zealousness can turn into heresy.
  • Daelmaegi - A small group of Mages and Mystics whose are said to practive a form of necromany involving "ash zombies". Their existence and more specifically that of their magic is disputed.
  • Lynmaegi - See blood magic.
  • Tyrytes - A group of scholars devoted to gather as much wisdom and knowledge as possible. Most prominent in Illeryon and Duskyon.

Elements of the mythos and cosmos[]


The Dragonblooded are amongst the holiest men and women of the Draconist faith. They typically have pale, almost silvery skin, purple or blue eyes with hair of platinum, white gold or silver. They are said to be immune to fire and to most diseases, leading them to live incredibly long lives. Their blood literally boils, as hot as to kill all infectious diseases. Incest is commonplace in Dragonblood families to keep the bloodlines pure. This is seen prevelantly in the House Blackfyre, and to a lesser extent House Synderys. Most Daelyrian Nobility can trace back to Dragonblooded, while not having the same attributes these nobles often still posess some of the physical traits and a longer lifespan.


The Rhys-Aethu are prophets of the gods endowed with dragon dreams and shapeshifting abilities, often directly possessed by the gods. They are few in number, but great in power. They build temples, preach the glory of the gods and do their will. They are fire made form, made by Arrax the Almighty himself to guide man when they are lead astray. They are often granted the title of Aenyn when they incarnate, though this has become less and less common in the last few centuries.


The Voidborn are vile, mindless creatures. Ever-hungry, these unholy sons of Balerion are demigods. Their monotonous mass. They came close to destroying the world, but are now thankfully sealed in the halls of their Father or destroyed.


The Baetyl (also called Baetyli, Baetylox or Baetylon), also known as “black stones” or “fallen black stars”, are dark single stone objects, usually child-sized rocks, that can to some degree be found all over the world. They are presumed prehistoric of origin, atleast partially being the product of meteor impacts. Many archaic cultures worshipped these stones, with many cases of similar phenomena being able to be observed to this very day. Large deposits of this “blackstone” at can be found around Illerya, out of which the Tower of Shadows was constructed.

History and Origins[]

Until recently the origins of the Draconism and with it Modern Daelyrian culture were a disputed subject. Most people agree that it probably originates in the Great Southern Ocean. Another fact supporting this is that the city of Braavos, a city with Daelyrian culture, is located in this geographical area. While some claim a direct ancestral connection between the daelyrian and the lorentish people, most scholars agree that any major similiarities originate in much more recent times. Cooperative research lead to the discovery of several ancient daelyrian artifacts in the area of Haven, the Kushite Sea, Sorligste and the Aldoviri Peninsula. Thanks to the discovery of wooden tablets and oral stories from that time parts of their Mythology can be reconstructed. While many names and concept survived into modern Draconism there were many differences. In these times the most relevant gods were Caraxes and Meraxes. Caraxes was seen as the lord of the sea and of earthquakes commonly depicted as a kraken-like being. Meraxes was often portrayed as a wrathful giant humanoid Bird, controlling storms and sending her brutal bird servants to those unfaithful. Many also speculate that the freezing envoirments around that region may be the reason Fire plays such an important role in Daelyrian culture and Religion. Other than that during the nomadic sea faring period of the early daelyrians hero cults were a common appearence and one of the main aspects of their religious stories and beliefs. Examples of this survive to this day, most prominently Daelos Ashborn and his son Illyax Ashborn.
